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- Here’s What I’m Grateful For This Year 🦃
Here’s What I’m Grateful For This Year 🦃
Here’s What I’m Grateful For This Year 🦃
Hey, it’s Alex.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I decided that this week I am going to talk about everything that I am grateful for this year.
I genuinely believe that this year has been the most blessed year of my entire life and I really hope I don’t sound like I am bragging in anything I talk about today.
This is going to be a bit more of a relaxed read, but I hope you still enjoy it!
Here’s what we are going over today:
📱 My Social Media Pages And Their Revenue
📈 This Newsletter And Other Businesses
📅 Why I Think This Year Has Been So Great
Read Time: 4 minutes 32 seconds

My Social Media Pages:
This has been the bulk of my revenue this year.
As some of you know I got my start in the “Online Money Making Space“ by running TikTok accounts.
For about a year I was making anywhere from an extra $1000-5000 a month from posting short little TikTok’s twice a day.
It wasn’t insane money like some other figures you see online. But it was an amazing boost in my income that helped me
Pay off my car
Go on trips
Give gifts to my parents and girlfriend
That page kept growing and growing until eventually I got an offer for it in the beginning of this year for $20,000.
I had never seen that much money before so I took it.
That was a pretty insane milestone for me.
After I got some traction on TikTok I felt like it was time to start expanding into other platforms as well.
The one account that I am most proud of is my YouTube Channel which I started at the beginning of this year. Where I talk about making money on TikTok and other “Money Making Schemes“
I have wanted to build a YouTube channel forever.
Ever since I was a kid I have been obsessed with the platform and have tried multiple different channels from a commentary channel to a Clash of Clans channel lol.
Obviously, none of them worked out so I put that dream to the side for a while.
This year I decided to finally give it another shot and post consistently and the results have been incredible.
I am currently at 3000 subscribers and growing every day.
Obviously, 3000 subscribers aren’t going to get you much revenue. But it’s still nice to get a couple extra dollars a day haha.
Speaking of an extra couple of dollars a day.
TikTok finally released its Creativity Program Beta earlier this year.
And I was lucky enough to be in the program for about two months.
And in that time I was able to make $30,000.
At my highest, I made $2,700 in a single day.
I feel like that kind of bent my reality a bit and made me realize how much opportunity is actually out there.
I was really just thanking God every day at that point because that was the first time I ever felt “wealthy“.
Unfortunately, I did get kicked out of the program for no real reason. The reason they gave was that my account was a “Security Issue“.
Whatever that means.
But I’m still very grateful for that opportunity.

This Newsletter:
Later in the year, I got super into newsletters and really wanted to start my own.
And that’s how this Newsletter was born!
At first, I wasn’t too sure what to write about so I was kind of just writing anything.
After a while though..
I realized I was always telling my girlfriend about some random business I discovered over the week and giving her every intricate detail about how the business worked.
That’s when the lightbulb hit.. That’s what I should write about.
And so far it has been going pretty well!
And you all seem to enjoy it!
I just hit 1,000 subscribers on here which I am super grateful to you all for.
And my open rates are amazing. Which again I am genuinely so grateful to you all for.
Other Businesses:
The one other business I started this year (that succeeded) was a small marketing company called Byte Media.
This business honestly started by accident..
I was doing some Social Media Marketing work for a client and he told me that if I could get more people like me to work with him then he would be happy to pay me.
I started asking around on Discord and TikTok and eventually found a couple of people.
And then it was off to the races.
I did about 2 ½ months of work for this app that we were promoting and at my peak.
I made about $38,000 in a single month.
Which is still so…. insane to me.
God is so good.
The app has decided to stop doing advertising for now but said they want to revisit it again in about a month. Fingers crossed.

Why I Think This Year Has Been So Great:
It’s just God bro lol.
I don’t know how else to explain it.
Every time I get closer to God everything begins to feel so…..
And that’s an amazing feeling.
Ideas just begin flowing in my head and I just put a little work into them and God just does the rest.
It’s honestly so beautiful and I am so grateful for the blessings he’s given me this year.

Hey! Before you leave..
What did you think of the newsletter?
Let me know down below 👇
Have a great day!